- budget means
- бюджетные средства
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Budget — An estimation of the revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time. A budget can be made for a person, family, group of people, business, government, country, multinational organization or just about anything else that makes and… … Investment dictionary
Budget support — is a particular way of giving international Development aid, also known as an aid instrument or aid modality. With budget support, money is given directly to a recipient country government, usually from a donor government (such as the UK or… … Wikipedia
Budget-maximizing model — is an influential new stream of public choice theory and rational choice analysis in public administration inaugurated by William Niskanen, in 1971. It argued that rational bureaucrats will always and everywhere seek to increase their budgets in… … Wikipedia
means — [n1] way, method agency, agent, aid, apparatus, auspices, avenue, channel, course, dodge*, equipment, expedient, factor, fashion, gimmick*, instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, intermediary, machinery, manner, measure, mechanism, medium … New thesaurus
budget — [n] financial plan account, aggregate, allocation, allowance, bulk, cost, estimated expenses, finances, fiscal estimate, funds, means, planned disbursement, quantity, quantum, resources, spending plan, statement, total; concept 332 budget [v]… … New thesaurus
budget — A quantitative plan for the future activities of an organization or individual. The preparation of budgets is common in most *private and *public sector organizations, and budgets normally fulfill one or more of the following purposes: They act… … Auditor's dictionary
Budget Manual — A set of instructions used within large organizations to prepare budgets. As organizations become larger and more complex, it is no longer possible for one person to prepare a budget. Instead, budgeting across the enterprise must be carefully… … Investment dictionary
budget — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, abundance, accounts, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accumulation, agenda, aggregate, allotment, allowance, amassment, amount, assets, backlog, balance, bale, bank account, batch, batting… … Moby Thesaurus
means — Synonyms and related words: MO, Swiss bank account, action, ad hoc measure, algorithm, answer, apparatus, approach, artifice, assessed valuation, assets, assets and liabilities, attack, available means, balance, bank account, bottom dollar,… … Moby Thesaurus
budget — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. apportionment, allowance; [estimate of] expenses. See accounting, plan. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. estimates, estimated expenses, allocations, allowance, budgetary figures, accounts, financial statement … English dictionary for students
budget — n 1. estimate, statement, financial statement; costs, expenses, operating expenses, general expenses, overhead. 2. plan, blueprint, schedule, program. 3. allowance, ration, share, portion, part; allotment, allocation, percentage, quota. 4. stock … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder